Industrial Strip Heaters and Heating Components

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strip heaters

Rugged and easy to install electric strip heaters transfer heat by either conduction or convection to heat liquids, air, gases, and surfaces.  Industrial strip heater applications include drying, melting, baking, or curing.  Industrial strip heaters range from 0.5 inches to over 3 inches wide and lengths to 72 inches.  Units bolt or clamp to many surfaces.  Many electric strip heater sheath materials, termination styles, operating temperatures, sizes, voltages, wattage ratings, and mounting devices are available.

Below is only a small listing of the industrial strip heaters that are available.  If you do not see what you need call us (801) 544-4236.

If you have any questions about our Strip Heaters and Heating Components or any of our other products, contact us today.

Showing 1–24 of 102 results

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