Industrial Heating Insulation Importance and Options

January 12, 2021
by Gordo Sales Team

There are several areas that are important within the world of process or industrial heating systems, and one is minimizing heat loss. There are a few different methods or themes that will be utilized with this purpose in mind, and one of the most well-known and important is insulation of the process heating system.

At Gordo Sales, we're happy to offer a wide range of not only process heating systems like radiant heaters, immersion heaters and more, but also insulation products like custom insulated blankets and more. Why is insulation important for many process heating and industrial heating systems, and what are the primary options available to fill these insulation needs? Here's a primer.

industrial heating insulation options

Why Insulation Matters

Insulation is an important temperature and air loss prevention method that's used across numerous industries and applications, from home heating materials and pipes to electrical areas, soundproofing and more. There are a huge variety of insulation types out there depending on the need.

And within the world of industrial heating, insulation is vital. Without insulation, heat loss within process heating setups will average between 35% and 45% - with it, heat loss drops to below 10%, and even below 5% in most cases. There are also a few other benefits of insulation for process heating:

Insulation Options

There are a few general options for process heating insulation:

For more on how insulation plays a role in the industrial heating process, or to learn about any of our process heating systems, speak to the staff at Gordo Sales today.

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