Understanding Manufacturer Warranties for Process Heating Equipment

November 12, 2019
by Gordo Sales Team

At Gordo Sales Inc., we’re proud to serve as your one-stop shop for all industrial process heating systems. We offer a huge variety of products within this realm, from immersion heaters and temperature controls to drum heaters, radiant heaters and many other choices.

One of the most common questions we get from our clients regarding many of our different products and services: What is the warranty? The answer in most cases: It depends, largely on the manufacturer in question and the warranty they’ve set on a given product. Let’s spend today’s blog going over some general facts on process heating manufacturer warranties, some additional warranties to be wary of, plus how our team will help you understand the important crux points in your warranty and where to look.
manufacturer warranties process heating equipment

General Manufacturer Warranties

As we noted above, manufacturers generally set their own warranties when it comes to the parts they provide for process heating systems. In many cases, the standard warranty length here is one year for the entire heating device itself – this includes all related components that are involved in creating and maintaining heat.

However, it’s important to note that in the vast majority of cases, most of the components involved in a process heating product aren’t at risk of losing their function within a single year. In fact, most likely won’t throughout the life of the equipment. The major crux component here is usually the heating coils involved in creating the actual heat, and as our next section will dig into, things can be a bit different here.

Additional Coil Warranties

In certain cases, manufacturers may also offer an additional warranty that’s meant to cover only the specific heating coils included in your product. This warranty usually lasts between two and five years, though this varies between manufacturers. As you may have guessed, it does not apply to other components.

Unfortunately, this is often a move made by manufacturers to protect themselves, not you. Heating coils generally last decades, meaning they are highly unlikely to go out within two to five years – the manufacturer wants to avoid covering the cost of more normal time periods here. If you have to pay extra for this additional warranty, there are many circumstances where we would actually advise against this.

We’re Here to Help

No matter which of our products you’re considering, rest assured our team will be happy to explain everything to you in regard to the warranty offered and whether you should consider additional coil warranties. We’ll go over the likelihood of component failure within the warranty period plus any other important factors you should consider.

For more on process heating equipment warranties, or to learn about any of our products, speak to the staff at Gordo Sales Inc. today.

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